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You are an international patient (you live abroad)
You live abroad and want to organise  hospitalisation or receive medical treatment at the H.U.B (Jules Bordet Institute, Queen Fabiola Children’s University Hospital, Erasmus Hospital)  You have social security cover in Europe For scheduled care your insurer must issue you with document S2 (formerly E112) For a medical emergency confirmed by a doctor at our institution, the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) can be used. We ask you to check your card’s expiry date.    You do not have social security cover in Belgium or Europe Please provide the department secretariat or specialist doctor with:  Your medical file that should be as complete as possible so as to determine the treatment your health condition requires.  A copy of an official identity document and/or of your passport clearly indicating your family name, first names and date of birth.  On the basis of the information communicated by the medical team, the Preadmission Unit or Insurance Unit will provide you with an estimate of the costs of the treatment  required. If you have a payment guarantee from an insurer, please provide us with this so that the insurance Unit can validate it. If not, please make the payment of the full amount of the estimate.  Once the care has been validated, the Insurance Unit will put you into contact with the secretariat of the department or specialist doctor in charge of your file so as to plan for your arrival.  On the day of your arrival at the H.U.B please go to reception with a valid identity document (identity card or passport). 
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You are a student
Teaching: one of the H.U.B’s three missions  As an academic hospital, the Brussels University Hospital (H.U.B) is in a privileged position for the transfer of knowledge within its three institutions: the Erasmus Hospital, the Jules Bordet Institute and the Children’s Hospital.    Teaching of all the health professions (doctors, nurses, paramedics, lab technicians, etc.) is given in the field, right up close to the patients’ medical and care teams.    A student job at the H.U.B? When you work at the Erasmus Hospital you are a part of the H.U.B, a major hospital centre and a human and dynamic environment.    To discover our job opportunities and apply for a student job, please consult the different job categories: Learn more Do your internship by joining one of our teams The Hospital regularly welcomes interns in medicine, nursing or secondary education, irrespective of the diploma (bachelor university degree, etc.). To apply for an internship, send an email to:  Medicine, Surgery (No later than 4 months before the start of the placement, you must send: The exact start and end dates of the placement, a list of 4 departments in order of preference where you would like to do the placement and an updated CV) Laboratory Nursing department (nurse, midwife, specialisation, Masters, etc.) Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy Psychology Other (administrative, secretarial, logistics support, etc.) Policy on the protection of the private life of students doing an internship or carrying out research at the Institution File en.hub_politique_vie_privee_des_etudiants_un_stage_ou_un_travail_de_recherche.pdf
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You are a supplier
If you have to make deliveries to the Erasmus Hospital, please deliver as follows: For pharmaceutical supplies: to the Quai Pharmacie   Times: 8 am-12.30 pm and 1.30 pm - 5 pm (except weekends and public holidays)   Address: 808 route de Lennik, 1070 Anderlecht  For all other supplies: to the Quai Marchandises  Times: 7.30 am-12 noon and 12.30 pm – 4 pm (except weekends and public holidays)  Address : 808 route de Lennik, 1070 Anderlecht (via the rue Meylemeersch, behind the hospital)   Conditions of delivery and important information Please note: Articulated lorries cannot access the delivery bay.   Deliveries must be made on a Europe pallet board of 800 mm x 1200 mm (with no overhanging permitted). Maximum pallet height: 1900 mm (pallet included).     You must respect the detailed delivery conditions as set out below.    The Erasmus Hospital is subject to public procurement legislation. Please respect the applicable legislation. Contact The Pharmacy +32 2 555 39 08 Purchases Department and Public Procurement +32 2 555 32 33 General conditions of purchase Download Access map Download
Yuki, a four-legged friend, joined the team!
In this festive season we are delighted to share some heartwarming news with you!  Yuki, the young Bichon Maltese, is celebrating his first year of work at the Erasmus Hospital intensive care unit. So we are all celebrating this first anniversary of the arrival of our four-legged friend! Yuki visits the unit every other Sunday and has already greeted more than 70 hospitalised patients. He brought a smile to all their faces and they would love to see him more often.    Yuki provides some welcome warmth and comfort to patients and their families who have to spend time in intensive care. Patients can simply pass some soothing moments with Yuki, stroking him and perhaps entertaining him in a way that requires some basic but important movements.      “ Yuki brought me a lot of happiness when I was in hospital. I would have liked to see him more often. I was fortunate in that I had my family who visited me every day, but I think of those who are not so   lucky […] Yuki must be so important to them,”  A patient This initiative was suggested by Claire, a nurse in the intensive care unit, encouraged by the hospital and approved  by the head of hygiene and head of intensive care. Yuki respects a very strict health protocol before every hospital visit and between greeting every patient.    A great idea and a genuine success that could perhaps be adopted by the other hospitals in the group.