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You are a student
Teaching: one of the H.U.B’s three missions
As an academic hospital, the Brussels University Hospital (H.U.B) is in a privileged position for the transfer of knowledge within its three institutions: the Erasmus Hospital, the Jules Bordet Institute and the Children’s Hospital.
Teaching of all the health professions (doctors, nurses, paramedics, lab technicians, etc.) is given in the field, right up close to the patients’ medical and care teams.
A student job at the H.U.B?
When you work at the Erasmus Hospital you are a part of the H.U.B, a major hospital centre and a human and dynamic environment.
To discover our job opportunities and apply for a student job, please consult the different job categories:
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Do your internship by joining one of our teams
The Hospital regularly welcomes interns in medicine, nursing or secondary education, irrespective of the diploma (bachelor university degree, etc.). To apply for an internship, send an email to:
Medicine, Surgery
(No later than 4 months before the start of the placement, you must send: The exact start and end dates of the placement, a list of 4 departments in order of preference where you would like to do the placement and an updated CV)
Nursing department (nurse, midwife, specialisation, Masters, etc.)
Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Other (administrative, secretarial, logistics support, etc.)
Policy on the protection of the private life of students doing an internship or carrying out research at the Institution