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About Erasmus
Welcome to the Erasmus Hospital!
The Erasmus Hospital
Since 1977, the Erasmus Hospital has been providing general care adapted to the individual patient.
Also recognised as a Belgian reference centre for 12 rare diseases and a member of numerous European reference networks, the hospital is located on the Erasmus hospital and academic campus in Anderlecht.
Two internal centres (the Erasmus Medical Centre – EMC and the Erasmus Imedia Centre), one external polyclinic (Lothier) and two external centres (Trauma and Rehabilitation Centre – CTR and the Geriatric Rehabilitation Centre – CRG) complete the patient care facilities.

Since 1977 the Erasmus Hospital has been proposing general care adapted to the individual patient. Also recognised as a Belgian reference centre for 12 rare diseases and member of several European reference networks, the hospital is situated on the Erasmus hospital and university campus in Anderlecht.
Values and missions
As a university institution, the Erasmus Hospital pursues three major missions: patient care, research and teaching. Through these missions, the hospital strives to provide the highest quality care to patients while advancing scientific knowledge and passing on its knowledge to future generations.
Organisation and institutions
In order to meet patients' expectations as effectively as possible, the Erasme Hospital has several committees: the Management Committee, the Board of Directors, the Medical Council.
The Erasmus Hospital is driven by a dynamic of continuous improvement rooted in a quality culture that is evident across all its activities and that involves all members of staff.
The Erasme Hospital ensures that every patient can be a partner in his or her own care. We also encourage patients to play an active role in our institution by setting up a patient partnership committee to help improve the quality and safety of your care, and that of other patients, as well as the ongoing training of carers.