Workshop of video-assisted technology in Thoracic Pathology

Organised on 26 and 27 September 2024 at the Erasme Hospital (Route le Lennik, 808 - 1070 Brussels) in the Wybran Auditorium (Floor -1 - Route 647).

Opération pneumo

The ‘Workshop of video-assisted technology in Thoracic Pathology’ will be held on 26 and 27 September 2024. This event will take place at the Erasme Hospital, Route de Lennik, 808, 1070 Brussels, in the Wybran Auditorium (Floor -1, Route 647).

Organised by the Medical-Surgical Department of Thoracic Pathology at the Erasme Hospital and the Thoracic Surgery team at the CHU Helora Hospital in Mons (Kennedy site), this workshop is a unique opportunity for healthcare professionals to familiarise themselves with the latest technological advances in video-assisted thoracic pathology. Participants will have the opportunity to watch live demonstrations, take part in interactive sessions and discuss best practice with leading experts in the field. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and network with colleagues and specialists in thoracic pathology.

Infos and registration

To discover the detailed programme and register for this event, click on the links below.