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Workshop of video-assisted technology in Thoracic Pathology
Organized: September 26 & 27 2024 at the Erasmus Hospital (Route le Lennik, 808 - 1070 Bruxelles) in the "Wybran Auditorium" (Floor -1 - Route 647). Please note: registration is free but mandatory, the event is organized on-site (no videoconferencing).  Discover the programme Find out more about the programme for the workshop, which takes place on 26 and 27 September, and register using the online form. Programme Workshop of video-assisted technology in Thoracic Pathology Your personal data First name Last name Email Phone number Your profession Which institute are you working at? Your registration for the workshop : Video-assisted technology in Thoracic Pathology Thursday 26/09/2024 Friday 27/09/2024 Both days Your registration to the diner (Thursday evening -26/09/2024) Yes No Please note: the dinner is an additional cost. If you have ticked ‘Yes’, please pay the sum of 50 euros into account BE31 0910 1061 4455 with the message ‘Last Name/First name + souper du 26/09/2024’. They support us This workshop is supported by:Belgian Respiratory Society (BeRS)Royal Belgian Society for Surgery (RBSS)Belgian Section of Thoracic Surgery (BeSTS) Nos sponsors Contact Mélissa BourleauEmail : Melissa [dot] Bourleau [at] hubruxelles [dot] be (Melissa[dot]Bourleau[at]hubruxelles[dot]be)Phone number : +32 (0)2 555 53 49
Workshop of video-assisted technology in Thoracic Pathology
Organised on 26 and 27 September 2024 at the Erasme Hospital (Route le Lennik, 808 - 1070 Brussels) in the Wybran Auditorium (Floor -1 - Route 647). The ‘Workshop of video-assisted technology in Thoracic Pathology’ will be held on 26 and 27 September 2024. This event will take place at the Erasme Hospital, Route de Lennik, 808, 1070 Brussels, in the Wybran Auditorium (Floor -1, Route 647).Organised by the Medical-Surgical Department of Thoracic Pathology at the Erasme Hospital and the Thoracic Surgery team at the CHU Helora Hospital in Mons (Kennedy site), this workshop is a unique opportunity for healthcare professionals to familiarise themselves with the latest technological advances in video-assisted thoracic pathology. Participants will have the opportunity to watch live demonstrations, take part in interactive sessions and discuss best practice with leading experts in the field. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and network with colleagues and specialists in thoracic pathology. Infos and registration To discover the detailed programme and register for this event, click on the links below. Registration Programme
Workshop of video-assisted technology in Thoracic Pathology
Organised on 26 and 27 September 2024 at the Erasme Hospital (Route le Lennik, 808 - 1070 Brussels) in the Wybran Auditorium (Floor -1 - Route 647).  The ‘Workshop of video-assisted technology in Thoracic Pathology’ will be held on 26 and 27 September 2024. This event will take place at the Erasme Hospital, Route de Lennik, 808, 1070 Brussels, in the Wybran Auditorium (Floor -1, Route 647).Organised by the Medical-Surgical Department of Thoracic Pathology at the Erasme Hospital and the Thoracic Surgery team at the CHU Helora Hospital in Mons (Kennedy site), this workshop is a unique opportunity for healthcare professionals to familiarise themselves with the latest technological advances in video-assisted thoracic pathology. Participants will have the opportunity to watch live demonstrations, take part in interactive sessions and discuss best practice with leading experts in the field. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and network with colleagues and specialists in thoracic pathology. Infos and registration To discover the detailed programme and register for this event, click on the links below. Registration Programme
World Eating Disorders Action Day: Detecting and Treating Eating Disorders in Youth
In the complex landscape of youth mental health, eating disorders (EDs) present significant challenges, requiring sustained attention and swift action. As June 2nd marks World Eating Disorders Action Day, raising awareness about the early detection and treatment of these devastating disorders is crucial What Are Eating Disorders? Eating disorders involve much more than just disturbed eating habits. They are psychiatric illnesses characterized by a dysfunctional relationship with food, weight, and body image. Predominantly observed in adolescents, these disorders can appear at any age and affect men as well. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder are among the most common forms, with profound impacts on an individual's physical and mental health.Early DetectionThe vigilance of parents and healthcare professionals is essential in identifying the early signs of EDs. Any changes in eating habits, an obsession with weight and appearance, and signs of social withdrawal and low self-esteem must be taken seriously. Early detection can prevent severe complications and improve the chances of recovery.Family-Based Therapy (FBT)For those who suspect the presence of an ED in their child or adolescent, prompt medical consultation is imperative. At Erasme Hospital and the Children's Hospital, Silvana Fuso, a specialist in EDs, offers an innovative approach with Family-Based Therapy (FBT). This method actively involves parents in the therapeutic process, providing crucial familial support for recovery.Read our page dedicated to this health issueContact InformationTo schedule an appointment with Silvana Fuso:Erasme Hospital: EMC Child and Adolescent ConsultationSecretariat: +32 2 555 32 96Appointment Request FormChildren's Hospital (Huderf)University Children's Hospital's Child Psychiatry Service: +32 2 477 3180Appointment Request Form
World Rare Disease Day
Did you know that 500,000 Belgians suffer from rare diseases? At the H.U.B., Professor Antoine Bondue, Director of the Rare Diseases Function (FMR), emphasises the importance of Belgian expertise and European networks. With over 7,000 rare diseases, patient recruitment is crucial for optimal care.  To increase the effectiveness of the care offered to patients suffering from rare diseases, the ULB and the H.U.B. are coordinating multidisciplinary consultations, encouraging hospital-ambulatory partnerships and insisting on the education of patients and their doctors.  Rare diseases are a major challenge for our healthcare system and a driving force for medical development. They require societal restructuring and support for innovative treatments.  For more information: