Heart surgery
Under construction The Erasmus Hospital offers this service for the care of our patients. The page is currently being updated. However, you can make an appointment for this service by clicking on "make an appointment".
Chirurgie Cardiaque - Erasme
Digestive surgery
Our role  Digestive surgery is concerned with all the organs of the digestive system: the digestive tract (from the oesophagus to the anus), as well as the pancreas, spleen, liver, bladder and bile ducts, peritoneum and adrenal glands. Straddling the Erasmus Hospital and the Jules Bordet Institute, our department is concerned with cancers as well as other pathologies affecting these different organs. We work closely with our colleagues from   gastroenterology, digestive oncology, medical imaging, etc.  Image Our specialities   The Interhospital Digestive Oncology Department spans 4 main entities within which experienced surgeons practice: The Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary and Liver Transplant Clinic covers surgery of the liver, pancreas (for which we are the reference, approved by the INAMI), bile ducts and liver transplants.The Oesophageal, Gastric Wall and Bariatric Surgery Clinic covers:surgery of the oesophagus (for which we are the reference centre, approved by the INAMI),stomach surgery (gastric cancers, gastro-oesophageal reflux, etc.) gastric wall surgery (hernia, eventration, diastasis, etc.)             obesity surgery (sleeve, bypass, etc.). The Colorectal, Peritoneal and Proctology Surgery Clinic covers surgery for cancerous (colorectal cancer) or benign pathologies of the colon (Crohn's disease,   ulcero haemorrhagic rectocolitis, etc.), the rectum, the peritoneum (peritoneal carcinomatosis) and the anus (prolapse, haemorrhoids, etc.).The Kidney Transplantation and Removal Functional Unit  is concerned with organ removal and kidney transplants.  Our team Image Our specialists Focus The Digestive Surgery Department has developed expertise in treating metastases of the peritoneum. The surgery can be combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy  (HIPIC). This procedure involves administering to the peritoneum a "bath" of anti-cancer drugs that are heated during 30 to 90 minutes. The aim is to destroy residual cancer cells after removing the metastases. Research In translational research, the Interhospital Digestive Surgery Department cooperates with several academic laboratories on the prognostic role of the growth profile (HGP) of certain tumours.  In clinical research, the department cooperates with the Nuclear Medicine Department in relation to FAPI-PET in particular. FAPIs are molecules that attach themselves to the fibroblasts associated with the tumours and that seems promising in increasing detection of tumour cells. 
Chirurgie digestive - Erasme
Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery
Under constrcution The Erasmus Hospital offers this service for the care of our patients. The page is currently being updated. However, you can make an appointment for this service by clicking on "make an appointment". Our team Image Our specialists
Chirurgie Plastique, Réparatrice Et Esthétique - Erasme
Thoracic surgery
Our role Established in 1979 as Belgium's first non-cardiac thoracic surgery department, the H.U.B.'s thoracic surgery department has a specific focus on improving the diagnosis and surgical treatment of thoracic pathologies affecting the lung, thymus or chest wall.  Image We offer multidisciplinary care for all thoracic oncological and non-oncological pathologies. Dr Youri Sokolow Director of the Thoracic Surgery Service at the H.U.B.  Our specialities The H.U.B. Interhospital Department of Thoracic Surgery focuses on four major activities that correspond to various types of pathology: The thoracic cancer pathology covers the multidisciplinary treatment of lung cancer and other thoracic cancers: mesotheliom       a, thymoma and pulmonary metastases.  Bridging the Jules Bordet Institute and the Erasmus Hospital, these interventions represent the greater part of the department’s activities.   The functional thoracic pathology covers in particular surgery of malformations of the thoracic wall, emphysema surgery (reduction in pulmonary volume) and surgical treatment of the pneumothorax and thoracic traumas. Lung transplants are organised within the Reference Centre for Cystic Fibrosis and Lung Transplants, jointly with the Pneumology Department. Cervical surgery covers surgery of the thyroid and trachea.  Our team Image Our medical specialists Focus The H.U.B. Interhospital Department of Thoracic Surgery was a pioneer in the field of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS). This surgical method is less invasive and makes it possible to avoid major surgery through large openings. This reduces the risk of complications and the period of hospitalisation with a more rapid post-operative recovery. Research The H.U.B.’s thoracic surgery and pneumology teams work together on treating early stage lung cancer. The aim is to reduce the quantity of lung tissue that has to be removed. To this end they have developed a combined endoscopic and surgical approach to the treatment of small nodules. 
Chirurgie Thoracique - Erasme
Vascular surgery
Our role The role of the vascular surgeon is to treat pathologies of the veins and arteries, with the exception of the heart, the proximal segment of the aorta and the brain. We devote much of our time in consultations to screening and considering cardiovascular risk factors. Our very close collaboration with Interventional Radiology and Medical Imaging provides us with rapid access to the diagnostic examinations that are essential in deciding on the best course of action for our patients, whether medical, surgical, endovascular or mixed.    Image Our specialities The Erasmus Hospital Vascular Surgery Department treats the following pathologies:     Arterial disease : Carotid surgery – Endovascular or surgical treatment of the abdominal aorta  – Arteriopathy of the lower limbs, etc. Venous diseases (phlebology), in particular symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs: varicose veins, varicose ulcers, etc. Vascular acrosyndrome. Examples: Raynaud’s syndrome, chilblains, etc. Pathologies relating to coagulation disorders. Examples : thrombophilia, anticoagulation, venous thromboses (clot, pulmonary embolism). Vascular surgeons cooperate closely with their colleagues from the Diabetic Foot Clinic, the Stroke Center (Neurology) and Nephrology, principally in relation to vascular access for dialysis and kidney transplants. 
Chirurgie vasculaire