Check your insurance papers
Normally, the greater part of your hospitalisation costs will be paid by your mutual health insurance, provided your payments are up to date.  If a hospitalisation is scheduled we advise you to contact your insurer (other than the mutual) to find out more about what is covered.   If your compulsory health insurance is not in order or you do not have Belgian nationality, unless you can show proof that the costs are covered you will have to pay the full amount of the medical costs. You will receive an estimate of the expected costs prior to your hospitalisation and will be asked to make payment before admission. This does not apply in the case of a medical emergency.  The choice of room you make at the time of admission will determine the rate.  You have two choices: A shared room or a single room. A single room is a private room in which you will be alone. Choosing for such a room necessarily brings additional costs.  Please note: If documents (certificates, medical testimonials, private insurance documents, etc.) have to be filled out by the unit doctor, please submit these to the medical secretariat at the beginning of your hospital stay so that they can be ready on the day of your discharge at the latest. Prepare your papers before hospitalisation
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Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - ZELIG Center
Image The ZELIG CenterZELIG is an outpatient service designed for young people aged 12 to 21 living in the Brussels-Capital Region, who are facing recent psychological and functional difficulties that have emerged within the past six months.The center’s mission is to identify early signs of psychological distress before they worsen. By ensuring timely access to care, ZELIG aims to prevent complications and the progression of mental health disorders.Our approach prioritizes swift responses to initial requests and thorough, systematic evaluations of each situation. We offer a tailored care pathway focused on addressing symptoms related to psychiatric conditions through early detection and relapse prevention.Feel free to reach out to us!%20%20zelig [dot] pij [at] hubruxelles [dot] be (Envoyer un message) Image The ZELIG ProjectThe program is built on evaluation, feedback, and targeted support. This support is structured around group workshops and individual follow-ups, both of which are therapeutic and psychoeducational in nature.At ZELIG, we ensure that every young person receives comprehensive and personalized support throughout their care journey.Initial information is gathered via phone or email. Following an analysis of the request, a consultation may be offered to conduct a deeper evaluation. After this preliminary meeting, a multidisciplinary team discussion is organized to determine the best course of action: either providing support at the center or referring the young person elsewhere. Evaluation scales may also be employed to enhance the assessment process.This approach is based on three key dimensions: individual, group-based, and network-focused. Individual follow-up allows for care tailored to the young person’s specific needs, while group sessions foster peer interaction and reduce isolation. Engaging key figures and external networks ensures continuity of care outside the center. Finally, psychoeducational sessions can also be offered to families and close contacts. Docteur Simone Marchini Lead Physician at ZELIGChild and Adolescent PsychiatristSpecialist in early detection and intervention for adolescents and young adultsDr. Marchini is pursuing a doctorate in science at the Faculty of Medicine, ULB. Her research focuses on developing a dimensional approach to psychiatric disorders in adolescents and young adults. Image An expert team by your side Dr. Simone Marchini: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Medical DirectorDr. Edeline Clin: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in TrainingTwo Clinical Psychologists:Lina Regragui: Specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)Samy Adhami: Specializing in Systemic TherapyNeuropsychologist: Ella Ben-ShaoolTwo Specialized Nurses:Natalia Polozova DelaitreDéborah MorchoisneSpecialized Educator: Steven Nicaise “Peer Support” Intern: A patient partner trained for two years through the Brussels Platform for Mental HealthPrendre Rendez-vous  Early Detection of Psychiatric DisordersEarly detection of psychiatric conditions is not solely the responsibility of the ZELIG Center. It also relies on the young person's daily network: parents, relatives, teachers, sports coaches, general practitioners, and others. These key figures are often the first to notice signs of distress and alert ZELIG, enabling prompt and effective intervention.Additionally, we work closely with mental health professionals already involved in the young person’s care. This collaboration ensures continuity and consistency in the support provided.Brochure ZELIG Partner Sites of ZELIGPlateforme Bruxelloise pour la Santé mentaleBru-Stars - Réseau Bruxellois en Santé Mentale pour les Enfants et AdolescentsSimiles - association pour les familles & amis Équipes liégeoises - EcoToneLe P.A.A.T.  (Pôle Ambulatoire - Age de Transition à Liège)Equipe de VRINT à LouvainEquipe mobile âge de transition à ANVERSUZ VUB à Jette  The Prodromal Questionnaire (QP-16)The QP-16 is a screening tool designed to identify young individuals who may require a more in-depth evaluation.Recommended UseThis questionnaire is intended for frontline professionals (general practitioners, psychologists, etc.) who encounter young people displaying concerning signs. They can ask the individual to complete the QP-16.Interpreting ResultsA score of 6 or more true items serves as a strong indicator to consider referring the individual to the ZELIG program.This tool supports the early detection of prodromal signs and facilitates appropriate intervention.The goal of this screening is to enable the early identification of young people in distress and promote rapid, targeted support.Questionnaire Prodromique FAQ What criteria do you use to refer a young person to your program? ZELIG is a program designed for young people aged 12 to 21 residing in the Brussels-Capital Region who are experiencing recent psychological and functional difficulties, emerging within the last six months. The goal of ZELIG is to detect the early signs of psychiatric disorders before they escalate.These signs may include, for instance, a recent withdrawal from daily life, behavioral changes, a distorted perception of reality (feeling of strangeness), the onset of psychological distress, a breakdown in peer relationships, or disturbances in sensory perceptions—such as hearing whispers, seeing objects move, or experiencing unusual bodily sensations.In some cases, these symptoms may signal the onset of an emerging psychiatric condition, requiring timely and tailored intervention. Who can refer a young person to us? Young people can make requests themselves, as can their parents and/or close contacts. Any professional can also reach out to us, provided the young person is informed and gives their consent. How can I request an evaluation? You can send us an email at ZELIG [dot] PIJ [at] hubruxelles [dot] be.We will respond as quickly as possible to gather the initial necessary information and, if appropriate, schedule an appointment. What steps are involved in the evaluation process? To ensure a prompt response, the process begins with an initial interview involving two team members. This is followed by a medical appointment with a child and adolescent psychiatrist. Additionally, other appointments may be scheduled for administering standardized assessment tools. Medical tests might also be prescribed to rule out any underlying physical conditions.At the end of this process, a feedback session is held with the involved team members to discuss the results and propose potential courses of action. What evaluation tools do you use? Our evaluations are comprehensive. They may include physical health assessments, semi-structured interviews, and standardized scales, all aimed at enriching and refining the care process. Are the services free of charge? The fees are regulated by INAMI rates. It is necessary to have valid health insurance coverage. Is there a similar program in the Flemish and Walloon regions? Walloon region(Liège) :Équipes liégeoises - EcoToneLe P.A.A.T.  (Pôle Ambulatoire - Age de Transition à Liège)Flemish Region:Equipe de VRINT à LOUVAINEquipe mobile âge de transition à ANVERS What should I do if my child or friend isolates themselves and no longer leaves their home? You can reach out to mobile teams. The appropriate mobile team to contact will depend on the young person’s age and place of residence.For example: Bru-Stars - Réseau Bruxellois en Santé Mentale pour les Enfants et Adolescents Does your center provide support for families? Yes, we offer family support. The "BREF" module (sessions focused on family psychoeducation) is an intervention designed for the caregivers of young people supported by the ZELIG program.For additional support, you can also reach out to caregiver associations:Similes - association pour les familles & amis Plateforme Bruxelloise pour la Santé mentale The evaluation… what happens next? The feedback from the assessments provides a range of tools that can benefit both the young person and their family or close contacts. Supported follow-up through individual sessions (medical, psychological, and case management) helps prevent or even avoid future deterioration.The tools include:Establishing a care network if none exists and if it is relevant for the young person.Psychoeducational and psychotherapeutic group workshops.Support for the young person’s family/close contacts (psychoeducation).Most importantly, reactivating the young person’s network to help them build a life project focused on personal growth, self-affirmation, maintaining and creating connections, and ultimately achieving self-realization.  +32(0)2 555 80 04 Erasme Medical Center (EMC) Route de Lennik 900 − 1070 Bruxelles Standard +32 (0)2 555 31 11 Image