Chronic subdural hematoma, a multidisciplinary symposium for a frequent intracranial condition
10.00 Registration and coffee 10.15 Welcome, by Boris Lubicz & Adrien Guenego (INR) 10.25 Historical review, by Sophie Schuind (neurosurgeon) 10.40 Pathophysiology, ancient beliefs in mechanism of chronic subdural hematoma and change in pathophysiological paradigm : the role of inflammation, by Thomas Bonnet (INR) 10.55 Clinical presentation of a cSDH, when to suspect it in practice ?, by Véronique Lesage (geriatric) 11.10 The incidence of chronic subdural hematoma in our population : what about the next 20 years, by Laetitia Beernaert (geriatric) 11.25 Imaging of the cSDH, role of the CT scan, use of the MRI for differential diagnosis, by Imene Chafai 11.40 The surgical approach for CSDH, by Laura Pradini 12.00 Feedback from NeuroMAV France on helping neuroinjured patients, by Madame Nathalie Pigoreau (Association) 12.20 Lunch and exhibition 13.20 Evidence on MMA embolisation in cSDH patients, by Fakhreddine Boustia (INR) 13.35 Technical considerations on MMA embolization, by Simon-Pierre Docquier (INR) 13.50 Imaging follow-up for cSDH, by Niloufar Sadeghi (diagnostic neuroradiology) 14.05 Quality of life, rehabilitation and cSDH, by Laetitia Beernaert (geriatric) 14.20 Quizz on the different previous topics, by Adrien Guenego 14.30 Abstracts on cSDH, data, presentations and protocols, upcoming projects, by Fellows / students 15.30 Roundtable: Consensus on Best Practice in real-world, ideas for upcoming RCTs. Moderators: Boris Lubicz & Adrien Guenego 15.45 Concluding remarks, by Boris Lubicz & Adrien Guenego 16.00 Symposium Coffee
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Registration for this symposium:Is free and mandatory.Is on a first come, first served basis.Is valid when you will receive e-mail confirmation upon form completion.Includes lectures, coffee and snacks, and lunch. Accomodation is not included.
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On 14 Decembrer 2024, please join us in the Tagnon auditorium, on the 1st floor of the Institut Jules Bordet for the first multidisciplinary Belgium cSDH symposium organized by Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Department of Interventional Neuroradiology at Erasme medical center, Brussels.