The H.U.B and its three institutions in pictures
Discover the H.U.B, its spirit and its values, in pictures. A reference centre at international level located at the heart of Brussels, the Brussels University Hospital proposes general, oncological and paediatric care of the highest quality, leading edge research and high level teaching through its three institutions: the Jules Bordet Institute, the Erasmus Hospital and the Queen Fabiola Children’s University Hospital (HUDERF)
The kangaroo method in the spotlight
The neonatology department was featured in a TV report by RTL It explains the kangaroo method or "zero separation": a practice that consists of placing the premature infant skin-to-skin against the mother and thus maintaining the bond for as long as possible. This reduces stress for the newborn, helps to reduce mortality by 25% and promotes the baby's healthy development. Report
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The Patient Partnership
The Erasmus Hospital, and by extension the Brussels University Hospital (H.U.B), awards particular importance to developing the Patient Partnership. What does the approach cover? We encourage and support patients in acting as a partner in their own care:  By ensuring they receive a maximum of information throughout the care pathway;  By listening to what the patient has to say about their situation and experience with the illness; By taking into account the patient’s priorities and goals; By encouraging shared decision-making; By taking account of the patient’s suggestions regarding the care pathway. We want to enable patients who so wish to be involved at the institutional level This can take a number of forms: Cooperating in training professionals; Being involved in research; Supporting patients who are experiencing similar health problems to their own; Participating in the institutional reflection on how to improve quality, safety and patient satisfaction. How is the Patient Partnership organised? The Patient Partnership project revolves around four main lines of approach that impact at various levels of care and that include the patients as:  Actors in their own care project; Resources within teams of professionals to improve the patient’s experience (testimonies, discussion groups, patient coach, etc.);  Interlocutors with whom the professionals work to improve the various processes (patients committee, etc.);  Active members in reflections on the pertinence and coherence of research and training projects within the Erasmus Hospital and the H.U.B.  Discover the testimony of Mme AnhThi Nguyen, oncology patient-expert, who is a member of the Quality, Security and Patient Partnership team and contributes her experience as peer-accompanier. The Committee of Partner Patients (CPP) To put this patient institutional involvement into practice, a Committee of Partner Patients (CPP) has been set up at the Erasmus Hospital as well as in each of the H.U.B institutions.  Why become a member of the Committee of Partner Patients (CPP)? If you have had experiences of care at the Erasmus Hospital and would like to share them, you can join the committee.  As member of the CPP you are a genuine partner of the institution and contribute actively not only to   improving the quality and safety of care for yourself and other patients, but also to the continuous training of carers. You attend regular meetings where focus groups consider questions concerning the patient experience at the hospital. You are of course free to refuse or agree to participate in what is proposed.  You are invited, for example: To give your opinion on documents addressed to all patients; To put forward suggestions on how to improve the care pathway;  To propose measures or changes concerning the quality and safety of care (prevention of infections or falls, checking patient identity, etc.)  To suggest possible approaches concerning certain aspects of care.  What conditions must you meet? Aged over 18; Attend the Erasmus Hospital on a regular basis; The desire to input ideas or constrictive opinions; The desire to help other people and to help work towards a goal that transcends your own health situation;  Fluency in French and/or Dutch; The ability to listen and empathy; The demonstrated desire to be involved in regard to other patients, other clinical teams or the institution;  Be available and motivated to commit during the required time; at least five two-hour meetings are held each year.  How to become a member of the Committee of Partner Patients (CPP)?  Simply send an email to Partenariat-patients [dot] qualite [at] hubruxelles [dot] be (Partenariat-patients[dot]qualite[at]hubruxelles[dot]be)  briefly describing (the equivalent to one A4 page maximum) your reasons to participating in the Committee of Partner Patients. Remember to give your full details (first name, last name, address and telephone number).  If you are unable to send us an email you can also contact us by post at:  Direction Qualité, Sécurité et Partenariat Patient H.U.B – Campus Anderlecht 808 Route de Lennik 1070 Bruxelles Your application will be carefully considered and we will get back to you within 30 days.  What are you committing to? Actively participating in at least 3 the 5 CPP meetings held every year; During a period of 2 years; Strictly respecting the confidentiality of exchanges.  Information shared within the CPP is subject to the rules of confidentiality comparable to professional secrecy. To ensure compliance each member receives training on the subject. Each committee member signs a charter of confidentiality ; Listening to others and adopting a constructive approach; This is a voluntary commitment with no remuneration; You are covered by insurance when present at the hospital; Your travel and parking expenses are borne by the hospital. How are the meetings organised? The committee meets physically at least 5 times a year (October, December, February, April and June); The dates and times are set in cooperation with the participants; The committee meets on the Anderlecht campus; Additional meetings are possible depending on the projects; Each meeting is chaired by a coordinator representing the institution and a patient committee member; An agenda is drawn up and communicated at least one week before the meeting; Minutes are drawn up  no later than 1 month after the meeting and sent out to participants for validation ; The minutes are approved at the start of each meeting. Can I resign from my commitment? You are free to resign from the committee at any time. You must notify us of this by email to Partenariat-patients [dot] qualite [at] hubruxelles [dot] be   Contact Service Qualité, Sécurité et Partenariat Patient  Partenariat-patients [dot] qualite [at] hubruxelles [dot] be (Partenariat-patients[dot]qualite[at]hubruxelles[dot]be) 
Health issues
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)
What is Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura? TTP or Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura is a rare disease of the group known as thrombotic  microangiopathies. These are diseases  in which the platelets or thrombocytes (involved in coagulation) clog together in an abnormal manner leading to the formation of blood clots.  This phenomenon causes three problems:A reduction in the number of available platelets = Thrombocytopenia.The red blood cells collide with these clots and break up leading to a reduction in number = Anaemia.The clots can block the blood vessels and reduce the oxygenation of tissues with possible serious consequences for the heart, brain, kidneys, etc.  A number of causes can be responsible for the occurrence of these thrombotic microangiopathies. The TTP is caused by the deficiency of a protein known as   "Adamts 13". This deficiency is most frequently due to the presence of an antibody (= immune TTP) or otherwise it may be a genetic anomaly (congenital TTP).   Treatment TTP must be treated as a vital emergency. Without treatment the mortality rate is 90%. A rapid diagnosis is essential followed by optimal treatment at an expert centre.  Initial treatment of immune TTP consists of two action plans:1.Acute treatmentIncreasing the level of Adamts 13 proteins by means of plasma exchanges: The plasma (the liquid component of the blood that contains cells) is replaced with healthy plasma that serves to increase Adamts 13 levels and remove antibodies.    Since 2019 an innovative medicine specific to TTP has made it possible to prevent the platelets from attaching themselves to each other, thereby resolving the three problems indicated above. This has permitted a clear improvement in the treatment of acute stage patients. Our centre always has this medicine on hand for rapid administration.    2.Fundamental treatmentStopping the production of antibodies that act against Adamts 13. First line treatment consists of the administration of corticoids and a monoclonal antibody that targets the cells that produce the antibodies  Treatment of congenital TTP is based on the administration of plasma. The administration of  synthetic Adamts 13 is not yet reimbursed but is accessible.  All persons suffering from TTP require lifelong monitoring by a haematologist specialising in this type of pathology.    Our specialists Advice TTP can present various and variable symptoms as it can affect a number of organs. The primary clinical manifestation is abnormal bleeding, major hematomas or petechiae (multiple small red/violet marks on the skin).  More severe symptoms can be the signs of a heart attack or stroke.  A blood test showing anaemia and a thrombocytopenia can quickly suggest the diagnosis .Useful links:   Thrombotic Microangiopathies - MaRIH – Rare Immuno-Haematological Diseases Health Network National Reference Centre Microangiopathies TTP Community - Home (Dutch language site)  Make an appointment Focus Our hematology team has gained extensive experience in managing this condition and regularly receives requests for the care of patients from external centers.We regularly collaborate with expert centers from various European countries (France, United Kingdom, Italy).We participate in multidisciplinary consultation meetings with French expert centers. Discover our Hematology Department
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)