Our role
The Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Department is concerned with pathologies of the ears, nose and throat. "This anatomical region is at the crossroads of a number of functions: hearing, swallowing, sense of smell, balance, phonation (production of language sounds), breathing, etc. We therefore diagnose and propose treatment for diseases that affect the organs, tissues and functions of the ENT region." Depending on the case, the treatment can be medical, surgical or paramedical (speech therapy, vestibular physiotherapy, etc.)
Our specialities
The activities of the Erasmus Hospital ENT Department span 4 clinics: The Otology Clinic that is concerned with ear, hearing and balance problems. For example: deafness, tinnitus, chronic infections, etc. The Rhinology Clinic that is concerned with problems of the nose (e.g. chronic tinnitus and rhinitis, nasal tumours, etc.) and sleeping problems (e.g. sleep apnoea, snoring, etc.) The Laryngology Clinic that is concerned with voice and swallowing problems, including of a cancerous origin (e.g.: dysphagia, dysphoria, etc.) The Paediatric ENT Clinic that is situated on the HUDERF site. The ENT field being an anatomical crossroads, the care is very often multidisciplinary. ENT doctors therefore cooperate regularly with other departments: neurology, pneumology, ophthalmology, stomatology-dentistry, etc.
Our team
Our specialists
The ENT Department proposes joint consultations for certain pathologies. In this case the patient is seen at the same time by two specialist doctors: An ENT doctor and a neurologist for dizziness and balance problems (e.g. Ménière disease)An ENT doctor and a pneumologist for problems relating to respiratory immuno- allergology (e.g. allergic asthma, chronic rhinitis, nasal polyposis, etc.)
The ENT Department participates in several research programmes. It cooperates, for example, with the ULB's Institute of Neurosciences and in particular with the Functional Brain Mapping Laboratory. ENT doctors from the Erasmus Hospital study in particular :speech understanding problems, in particular in a noisy environment, neuromuscular problems involved in difficulties in swallowing, ageing of the balance function, etc.
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Cortical Tracking of Speech-in-Noise Develops from Childhood to Adulthood
Authors : Vander Ghinst M, Bourguignon M, Niesen M, Wens V, Hassid S, Choufani G, Veikko J, Riita H, Goldman S, De Tiège XJournal : J Neurosci 2019 Apr 10;39(15):2938-2950. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1732-18.2019. Epub 2019 Feb 11.
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Left Superior Temporal Gyrus Is Coupled to Attended Speech in a Cocktail-Party Auditory Scene
Authors : Vander Ghinst M, Bourguignon M, Op de Beeck M, Wens V, Brice M, Hassid S, Choufani G, Veikko J, Riita H, Van Bogaert P, Goldman S, De Tiège XJournal : J Neurosci. 2016 Feb 3;36(5):1596-606. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1730-15.2016.
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RHOJ controls EMT-associated resistance to chemotherapy
Authors : Debaugnies M, Rodriguez-Acebes S, Blondeau J, Parent M-A, Zocco M, Song Y, de Maertelaer V, Moers V, Latil M, Dubois C, Coulonval K, Impens F, Van Haver D, Dufour S, Uemura A, Sotiropoulou P, Méndez J, Blanpain CJournal : Nature. 2023 Apr;616(7955):168-175. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05838-7. Epub 2023 Mar 22.
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Structural and metabolic brain abnormalities in COVID-19 patients with sudden loss of smell
Authors : Niesen M, Trotta N, Noel A, Coolen t, Favard G, Leurkin-sterk G, Delpierre I, Henrard S, Sadeghi N, Goffard J-C, Goldman S, De Tiège XJournal : Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imagin. 2021 Jun;48(6):1890-1901. doi: 10.1007/s00259-020-05154-6. Epub 2021 Jan 4.
Oto-rhino-laryngologie - Erasme