Our role
Gastroenterology is the medico-technical discipline concerned with digestive pathologies, that is, pathologies of the digestive tract - from the mouth to the anus – and the organs and glands situated in the abdomen: liver, pancreas and gall bladder.
Although we are separate entities, in practice we form together with digestive surgery and digestive oncology a large medico-surgical department that treats digestive pathologies. Within which our patients often follow integrated care pathways.
Our specialities
The Erasmus Hospital's Medical Gastroenterology Department spans 7 clinics that correspond to recognised fields of expertise:The Intestinal Diseases Clinic (examples: Crohn's disease, cœliac disease, ulcerative colitis, auto-immune diseases) The Digestive Endoscopy Clinic The Liver Disease Clinic that is a reference centre, especially for advanced liver diseasesThe Liver Transplant Clinic that carries out liver transplants The Functional Digestive Pathologies Clinic – pathologies that are the number one reason for consultations in gastroenterology – that proposes, in particular, a digestive comfort consultation for irritable intestine syndrome and gastro-oesophageal reflux, for example The Pancreatic Diseases and Nutritional Support Clinic that treats non-cancerous pancreatic diseases (e.g. pancreatitis), problems of (mal)nutrition and parenteral feeding, at hospital or at home The Integrated Obesity Centre.
Our team
Our specialist doctors
The Erasmus Hospital Medical Gastroenterology Department is a reference centre – and reputed training centre – for endoscopy, for purposes of diagnosis and treatment. New procedures at the leading edge of technology are studied here. Cooperation with the ULB's Polytechnic Faculty has even permitted the development of an endoscope able to carry out partial gastric sleeve surgery. This procedure has shown its effectiveness in weight loss among obesity patients.
Thanks to its large "biobank", the Medical Gastroenterology Department works with the ULB's Experimental Gastroenterology Laboratory in pursuing 3 main lines of translational research: liver diseases and cancerschronic inflammatory bowel diseasespancreatic cancers.A clinical research unit permits access to innovative treatments, notably in oncology, hepatology and inflammatory bowel diseases.
Common genetic variation in alcohol-related hepatocellular carcinoma: a case-control genome-wide association study
Authors: Eric Trépo, PhD *, Stefano Caruso, PhD *, Jie Yang, PhD *, Sandrine Imbeaud, PhD, Gabrielle Couchy, PhD, Quentin Bayard, PhDJournal : The Lancet Oncology, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2022
Endoscopic sutured gastroplasty in addition to lifestyle modification: short-term efficacy in a controlled randomised trial
Authors: Vincent Huberty, Ivo Boskoski, Vincenzo Bove, Pauline Van Ouytsel, Guido Costamagna, Marc A Barthet, Jacques DevièreJournal : Gut-Bmj Journal, published October 28, 2020
Collecting New Peak and Intermediate Infliximab Levels to Predict Remission in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Authors: Claire Liefferinckx, Jérémie Bottieau, Jean-François Toubeau, Debby Thomas, Jean-François Rahier, Edouard Louis, Filip Baert, Pieter Dewin, Lieven Pouillon, Guy Lambrecht, François Vallée, Severine Vermeire, Peter Bossuyt, Denis FranchimontJournal : Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Volume 28, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 208–217
Long-term outcomes in patients with decompensated alcohol-related liver disease, steatohepatitis and Maddrey's discriminant function
Authors: Delphine Degré, Rudolf E. Stauber, Gaël Englebert, Francesca Sarocchi, Laurine Verset, Florian Rainer, Walter Spindelboeck, Hassane Njimi, Eric Trépo, Thierry Gustot, Carolin Lackner, Pierre Deltenre, Christophe Moreno Journal : Journal of Hepatology, 2020, vol. 72
Gastroentérologie - Erasme