Health issues
Diabete (Clinic)
What is diabetes? Diabetes is characterised by an excessively high level of sugar in the blood (glycaemia). Eventually, without appropriate treatment, this chronic hyperglycaemia increases the risk of cardiovascular disease: coronary thrombosis, stroke, etc. Other complications of diabetes can affect the eyes, kidneys and nerves.  Image There are several kinds of diabetes and they require sometimes different medical treatment. The most frequent are: Type 1 diabetes, treated at the Convention du diabète [Diabetes Convention] centres;Type 2 diabetes, with first-line treatment by GPs (Trajet de Démarrage) [Start-Up Pathway] and/or in a hospital environment, in the framework of a Trajet de soins [Care Pathway) or a Convention du diabète ;Gestational diabetes, treated at Convention du diabète  centres;MODY type diabetes  and other rarer genetic diabetes can also be treated at   Convention du diabète centres Care A multidisciplinary teamThe H.U.B Diabetology Clinic consists of a multidisciplinary team of medical, paramedical and nursing staff who are dedicated to optimal care for all diabetes patients in line with their specific needs.  In addition to the acts and services foreseen by the Care Pathways and the Diabetes Convention (in particular therapeutic education on insulin treatment), the Diabetology Clinic proposes specialised consultations for diabetic foot, gestational diabetes and hypoglycaemias. Learning to manage your diabetesOptimal diabetes care means autonomy for the diabetes patient in regard to their treatment. In this respect the H.U.B’s Diabetology Clinic has been a pioneer in therapeutic education. We consider the person with diabetes  as a genuine partner in his or her care. Our team organises group sessions for treatment education, covering: the particularities of diabetes, diet management and, above all, how to (effectively) manage treatment with insulin.    Diabetic footWith its myriad of small blood vessels and nerves, the foot is a zone that is particularly vulnerable to diabetes complications. This can result in desensitization and wounds or sores that do not heal. The persons concerned can make an appointment at the diabetic foot consultation, recognised as a reference centre by the INAMI [National Institute for Sickness and Disability Insurance]. Depending on their needs, patients are seen by a diabetes specialist, a nurse specialising  in wound care, a chiropodist and, if necessary, a shoemaker. A vascular surgeon is also a member of the team.      Gestational diabetesWomen who develop diabetes during their pregnancy are at increased risk of certain complications during childbirth. They are also at a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. These patients are treated jointly by the Diabetology Clinic and gynaecologists at the H.U.B’s Obstetrics Department both during and after their pregnancy.   (Non) diabetic hyperglycaemiasThe H.U.B’s Diabetology Clinic diagnoses and treats hypoglycaemias. These (sudden) falls in blood sugar levels can, in their severe form, lead to behavioural disorders or even a loss of consciousness. A badly managed diabetes, an insulimona (rare tumour of the pancreas) or obesity surgery (bypass, gastroplasty) can result in severe hypoglycaemias. Advice If you are diabetic, as your GP if you can benefit from  a Trajet de Démarrage,a ”Type 2 diabetes” Trajet de soinsor a Convention du diabète.These programmes entitle you to services, specialised consultations and additional reimbursements. Focus As a centre of excellence, the H.U.B Diabetology Clinic has signed a number of conventions with the INAMI so as to be able to offer persons treated with insulin access to the latest diabetes monitoring technologies. Most notably: different types of blood sugar sensors (for type 1 and type 2 diabetes), conventional insulin pumps and “patch” pumps without tubing (for type 1 diabetes). Some people with type 1 diabetes can also benefit from insulin treatment in a closed circuit. This automated “artificial pancreas” system consist of connecting a blood sugar sensor to an insulin pump. This system then effects the insulin injections semi- automatically. Research The H.U.B Diabetology Clinic participates in and/or initiates clinical trials on future medicines and new technologies for treating diabetes.  Our specialists Services
Diabete (Clinic)
Discover our new magazine!
Combining the strengths of 3 institutions of recognised expertise, the Brussels University Hospital (H.U.B) is pleased to present “The hospital and YOU”: Your new medical rendezvous that is not to be missed!  Whether you are a patient, future patient or visitor to the Erasmus Hospital/Jules Bordet Institute or the parent of one of our little patients at the Children’s Hospital, the new H.U.B magazine aims to keep you informed about our care, our fields of activity, our  care staff and  our expertise and innovations.  Through interviews with members of staff, well-considered advice and presentations of the Hospital’s position on topical subjects, we will bring you right up close to our hospital’s activities and to our care staff! Our constant priority is to provide all our patients with the highest quality care. Because your health is central to our concerns, this new centralised information platform is designed to answer all your questions.  Every person must have access to care and a continuous flow of information is part of this accessibility. You can also find a paper version of our magazine in the French-language daily Le Soir (Brussels Region). Here are some of the subjects covered  in this very first issue:  The new face of the Emergency Department: A quality service close to the patient For many patients the Emergency Department is their first contact with the hospital. Whether they attend on the advice of their GP or at their own initiative, they discover a dedicated medical staff who work tirelessly in their interests.  Erasmus Hospital: A renovated and interactive entrance In addition to renovating the Erasmus Hospital entrance hall, the H.U.B is pooling the tools for making an appointment. This is to ensure the greatest possible access to care and represents a new pathway designed in the patient’s interests.  A combined HR team that is committed and mutually supportive With more than 6,000 employees, the H.U.B offers magnificent job opportunities, professional challenges and scope for internal promotion within our institutions as a whole: the Erasmus Hospital and Jules Bordet Institute at the Anderlecht site, the Huderf Children’s Hospital and the CTR (Trauma and Rehabilitation Centre) at the Laeken site, as well as the CRG (Geriatric Rehabilitation Centre) and the Lothier Polyclinic that cover a specific geographical area.   Funds and a non-profit organisation dedicated to excellence in research  Although the H.U.B can count on reputed researchers, to realise its threefold mission the hospital has to be able to carry out numerous research projects in the interests of our patients. To support this research excellence, two funds and a non-profit organisation make a unique contribution by supporting scientific research to the full and producing hundreds of publications on the latest developments. Today we can present very tangible progress for the patient thanks to this support  from the Jules Bordet Association , the Fonds Erasme and The Belgian Kids’ Fund. Multidisciplinarity in the service of the patient Medical students rub shoulders with researchers, doctors and other care staff at the heart of the H.U.B. This academic and scientific vitality around healthcare lends an important added value to all those involved, as confirmed by   Professors Jean-Michel Hougardy, Medical General Director of the H.U.B, and Nicolas Mavroudakis, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine: “The recent coming together of the various institutions within the H.U.B will make it possible to increase links between doctors, professors and researchers and the Faculty of Medicine. All for the patient’s benefit.”  The valuable assistance of our volunteers The H.U.B knows it can count on the services of dedicated and effective volunteers. They support the hospital in a number of areas: reception, emergencies, paediatric surgery, outpatient unit, day geriatrics, bedside visits (to listen to the patient). The hospital is always looking for motivated individuals to join our teams, as H.U.B manager Catherine Lechat stresses . “The more volunteers we have, the more we can diversify our services to the patients. We are fortunate in currently having more than 120 volunteers, but are still interested in hearing from new potential volunteers.”  The H.U.B as seen by children Quality care  for all the patients and their families: baby, child, mum and dad, granddad and grandmother.    We hope that through this new information platform  we will be able to answer all your questions. Enjoy your read!