Diabete (Clinic)


A multidisciplinary team

The H.U.B Diabetology Clinic consists of a multidisciplinary team of medical, paramedical and nursing staff who are dedicated to optimal care for all diabetes patients in line with their specific needs.  

In addition to the acts and services foreseen by the Care Pathways and the Diabetes Convention (in particular therapeutic education on insulin treatment), the Diabetology Clinic proposes specialised consultations for diabetic foot, gestational diabetes and hypoglycaemias. 

Learning to manage your diabetes

Optimal diabetes care means autonomy for the diabetes patient in regard to their treatment. In this respect the H.U.B’s Diabetology Clinic has been a pioneer in therapeutic education. We consider the person with diabetes  as a genuine partner in his or her care. Our team organises group sessions for treatment education, covering: the particularities of diabetes, diet management and, above all, how to (effectively) manage treatment with insulin.    

Diabetic foot

With its myriad of small blood vessels and nerves, the foot is a zone that is particularly vulnerable to diabetes complications. This can result in desensitization and wounds or sores that do not heal. The persons concerned can make an appointment at the diabetic foot consultation, recognised as a reference centre by the INAMI [National Institute for Sickness and Disability Insurance]. Depending on their needs, patients are seen by a diabetes specialist, a nurse specialising  in wound care, a chiropodist and, if necessary, a shoemaker. A vascular surgeon is also a member of the team.      

Gestational diabetes

Women who develop diabetes during their pregnancy are at increased risk of certain complications during childbirth. They are also at a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. These patients are treated jointly by the Diabetology Clinic and gynaecologists at the H.U.B’s Obstetrics Department both during and after their pregnancy.   

(Non) diabetic hyperglycaemias

The H.U.B’s Diabetology Clinic diagnoses and treats hypoglycaemias. These (sudden) falls in blood sugar levels can, in their severe form, lead to behavioural disorders or even a loss of consciousness. A badly managed diabetes, an insulimona (rare tumour of the pancreas) or obesity surgery (bypass, gastroplasty) can result in severe hypoglycaemias.


If you are diabetic, as your GP if you can benefit from  

These programmes entitle you to services, specialised consultations and additional reimbursements.


As a centre of excellence, the H.U.B Diabetology Clinic has signed a number of conventions with the INAMI so as to be able to offer persons treated with insulin access to the latest diabetes monitoring technologies. Most notably: different types of blood sugar sensors (for type 1 and type 2 diabetes), conventional insulin pumps and “patch” pumps without tubing (for type 1 diabetes). Some people with type 1 diabetes can also benefit from insulin treatment in a closed circuit. This automated “artificial pancreas” system consist of connecting a blood sugar sensor to an insulin pump. This system then effects the insulin injections semi- automatically.


The H.U.B Diabetology Clinic participates in and/or initiates clinical trials on future medicines and new technologies for treating diabetes. 

Our specialists
