Preparing your hospital bag
We suggest you to pack certain items:
Pyjamas and nightshirts
Dressing gown
Comfortable, non-slip shoes (slippers)
Necessary toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, soap, comb, hair brush, towel, face flannel)
Any medicine you take regularly, in original packaging (or at least the list). We ask you to make a list of all the medicine you take, with or without prescription, whether daily or occasionally. Also make a list of medicines to which you are allergic or that disagree with you. You can give these lists to the nurses at the time of being admitted to the unit.
A thermometer issued at the time of a previous hospitalisation. If you don't have one, you will be issued with one – which you can take with you when you leave – and for which you will be invoiced. Your support stockings or body band if requested by the doctor.
Also remember to pack some books, newspapers, laptop, PC, charger, etc.
If you wear glasses or contact lenses, dentures or a hearing aid, please deposit them in the case or other recipient provided.
The day before your surgery, please remember to:
Take an antiseptic shower / shampooing (if recommended)
Remove any nail varnish and false nails, in gel or resin, from your hands and feet
Cut and file your nails
Remove any make-up, false eyelashes, jewellery, piercing
Do not eat, drink or smoke after midnight!!
Please follow strictly the instructions of your anaesthetist regarding any medicines that you should or should not take on the day itself or the previous day.
Preparing your belongings before hospitalisation to make your stay as comfortable as possible