Estimation of an intervention
Planned interventionUterine curettageEnlarged or partial lung resectionPleurotomyTrepanation flap surgery for an intracranial supratentorial expansive processComputer-assisted intraoperative navigation, including computer-assisted preoperative planning and single-use equipment (markers)Lumbar laminarthrectomyEndocranial stereotaxisGastroplastyunilateral inguinal, femoral or obturator herniabilateral inguinal, femoral or obturator herniaprimary hernia of the abdominal wall (including umbilical hernia, epigastric hernia, spinal hernia or lumbar hernia)incisional abdominal wall hernia (including recurrence after treatment of a primary abdominal wall hernia and parastomal hernias)CholecystectomyCholecystectomy with intraoperative cholangiographyRight or left hemi-colectomy or segmental resection of the colon or resection of the sigmoid or partial resection of the rectum with restoration of continuityAppendectomySurgical removal of anal fistulaRadical haemorrhoid treatment Intra-ocular procedures: Transparsplana vitrectomyExtracapsular extraction of the lensComplete unilateral surgical treatment of inflammatory pathology in three or four sinusesFunctional surgery of the atrial chainSurgical treatment of a herniated disc other than cervicalTotal thyroidectomyAmygdalectomieSubperichondral and subperiosteal correction of the nasal septumTotal cure of a bladder tumour by endoscopic resectionEndoscopic prostate resectionTotal prostatectomy, including removal of the vesicular block with urethrovesical sutureUreteroscopySurgical treatment of hallux valgusHip arthroplasty with total prosthesisRemoval or destruction of superficial skin tumours of any kindBirthCaesarean sectionExcision of a polyp from the colon, ileum or jejunum, using a diathermic loop, by endoscopy Coronary dilatation with stentPercutaneous endovascular dilatation with or without stent placementNeurological embolisationPercutaneous occlusion under medical imaging control of the arterial or venous vascularisation of pathological lesions or arterial haemorrhage in the facial, thoracic, abdominal or pelvic region, including handling and monitoring during treatment and the catheters used, excluding the embolisation catheter(s) used, pharmaceutical and contrast products, embolisation equipment, etc. Which policyholder are you?Ordinary insured (in mutual order)Increased intervention beneficiaryPrivate (no mutual insurance in Belgium) Which room would you like?Single roomTwin bedroom Estimate your costs in case of an intervention
Fast track diagnosis of colorectal cancer within the H.U.B
The teams at the Department of Gastroenterology and Digestive Oncology of the Erasmus Hospital and Jules Bordet Institute propose a fast track diagnosis of colorectal cancer. The teams at the Department of Gastroenterology and Digestive Oncology of the Erasmus Hospital and Jules Bordet Institute propose a fast track diagnosis of colorectal cancer for patients showing warning signs, a positive result for the presence of blood in the stools or at high risk. On 20 and 21 March a giant colon will be installed in the lobby of the Erasmus Hospital and Jules Bordet Institute. Professionals from our institutions will be present to accompany you as you discover this organ and to stress the importance of colorectal cancer screening.  Essential screening Every year more than 8,000 Belgians, men and women, are diagnosed with colorectal cancer. In 90% of cases they are aged over 50. One third of these people die from their cancer because it was detected too late. If treated in time, colorectal cancer is cured in 90% of cases. Faced with this situation, our professionals decided to put into place fast track diagnosis for patients with warning signs or at high risk.  Screening with a colonoscopy is essential as it reduces the risk of developing a colorectal cancer and cuts colorectal cancer mortality by 50%. In addition to the diagnosis, this examination also has a treatment value as it makes it possible to detect the cancer at an early stage and to prevent a cancer developing by removing colorectal polyps and early stage cancers.  Who is the screening for? In the general population the risk becomes significant after the age of 50. From that age it is easy to effect the screening test by searching for blood in the stools. This test is proposed by your Region via a personalised invitation every two years (Brussels:; Wallonia :; Flanders: If you are a person at risk (a hereditary mutation such as familial adenomatous polyposis or Lynch syndrome, personal or family history of polyps and/or colorectal cancer, inflammatory disease of the  digestive tract  - Crohn’s disease or rectocolitis) or if you show warning signs such as the presence of blood in the stools, an unexplained or lasting change in the frequency of bowel movements, abdominal pain or unexplained weight loss, you can make an appointment with our professionals who will then rapidly schedule a colonoscopy.  Gastroenterology consultation: • Jules Bordet Institute +32 (0)2 541 34 80 • Erasmus +32 (0)2 555 35 04 Screening consultation Jules Bordet Institute (if no symptoms) : +32 (0)2 541 30 55 A giant colon and a mini exhibition to boost awareness The month of March is colorectal cancer awareness month. On this occasion the Jules Bordet Institute will be organising an awareness raising event complete with a giant colon. Accompanied by health professionals, you can go inside the colon to discover the organ in 3D and better understand why and how to protect yourself against colorectal cancer, one of the most deadly cancers in Belgium. Note the dates: 20 March at the Erasmus Hospital, between 9 am ad 4 pm; 21 March at the Jules Bordet Institute, between 9 am and 4 pm.