Yuki, a four-legged friend, joined the team!
In this festive season we are delighted to share some heartwarming news with you!

Yuki, the young Bichon Maltese, is celebrating his first year of work at the Erasmus Hospital intensive care unit. So we are all celebrating this first anniversary of the arrival of our four-legged friend! Yuki visits the unit every other Sunday and has already greeted more than 70 hospitalised patients. He brought a smile to all their faces and they would love to see him more often.
Yuki provides some welcome warmth and comfort to patients and their families who have to spend time in intensive care. Patients can simply pass some soothing moments with Yuki, stroking him and perhaps entertaining him in a way that requires some basic but important movements.
“ Yuki brought me a lot of happiness when I was in hospital. I would have liked to see him more often. I was fortunate in that I had my family who visited me every day, but I think of those who are not so lucky […] Yuki must be so important to them,”
This initiative was suggested by Claire, a nurse in the intensive care unit, encouraged by the hospital and approved by the head of hygiene and head of intensive care. Yuki respects a very strict health protocol before every hospital visit and between greeting every patient.
A great idea and a genuine success that could perhaps be adopted by the other hospitals in the group.