Red Blood Cell Day 2025

On Thursday 20 February 2025, the ‘Red Blood Cell’ group of the Belgian Haematology Society and the H.U.B. are organising the next Red Blood Cell Day. Discover the programme and the speakers. 

Blood cells

Program & speakers

This event will take place at the Jules Bordet Institute, Rue Meylemeersch 90, 1070 Anderlecht, in the Tagnon Auditorium, 1st Floor

Session for healthcare professionals
09h00Eosinophils and SCD : Bad couple ?S. Karimi (HUB - Brussels)
09h30Sickle Cell NephropathyV. Labarque (KUL - Leuven)
10h00Vaccination in SCD - What is a realistic approach ?M. Hoyoux (CHU Liège - Citadelle)
10h30Coffee Break 
10h50Immunological and Practical Aspects of Transfusion in HemoglobinopathiesV. Deneys (CUSL - UCL - Brussels)
11h20Transfusional Optimization in Transfusion-Dependent ThalassemiaG. De Luna  (Henri Mondor -APHP - Paris)
11h50HSCT in Hbpathies : New regimens versus new therapiesF. Bernaudin (CHIC - Paris)
12h20Cerebrovascular workup in SCDB. Biemond (UMC - Amsterdam)
14h00Diagnostic pitfalls and New Therapies in RBC EnzymopathiesF. Galacteros (Henri Mondor -APHP - Paris)
14h30Clinical reesearch in remote region - Experience in DRCB. Mbiya (Centre Mashi - Mbujimayi)
15h00Systemic racism vs Care : A sickle cell perspectiveM. Shema (UMF lasi)
15h30Pain at Home - Evolution of pain after hospital dischargeL. Vinguetama-Périanagom (ULB - Brussels)
16h00Alternatives to opioïd analgesiaC. Greco (Necker-Enfants Malades - APHP - Paris)
16h30Coffee Break 
Session for patients
16h45Non-opioid analgesicsS. Hatton (Necker-Enfants Malades - APHP - Paris)
17h15NutritionV. Hannecart (HUB - Brussels) & K. Egberts DrepaCoach
17h45Access to healthcare and the stay or return of sick peopleS. Jassogne & K. Vanhees - Medimmigrant asbl
18h45End of the event