A rapid diagnosis pathway for colorectal cancer at the H.U.B
Teams from the Gastroenterology and Digestive Oncology Departments of the Erasmus Hospital and Jules Bordet Institute are now working hand-in-hand within the Brussels University Hospital (H.U.B). They propose a rapid diagnosis pathway reserved for patients showing warning signs, a positive result in a search for blood in the stools or who are at high risk. On 22 and 23 March a giant colon will be installed in the lobbies of the Erasmus Hospital and Jules Bordet Institute. Professionals from our institutions will be there on the day to help you discover this organ and highlight the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.

Essential screening
Every year more than 8,000 Belgians, both men and women, are diagnosed with colorectal cancer. In 90% of cases they are aged over 50. One third of these persons will die from their cancer due to a late diagnosis. If detected in time, 90% of these persons are cured. Faced with this problem, our professionals decided to put into place a rapid diagnosis pathway for patients presenting a warning sign or a high risk. Colonoscopy screening is essential as it reduces the risk of developing colorectal cancer and reduces the mortality by 50%. This examination has therapeutic as well as diagnostic benefits as it not only allows a cancer to be detected at an early stage but also prevents its occurrence by removing colorectal polyps and early cancers.
Who is the screening targeting?
You can make an appointment with our professionals who will rapidly schedule a colonoscopy if you present warning signs such as an unexplained and lasting change in bowel movements, the presence of blood in the stools, abdominal pain or unexplained weight loss. If you have a personal or family history of polyps and/or colorectal cancer, inflammatory diseases of the digestive tube (Crohn's disease or proctocolitis) or a family history of multiple polyposis or hereditary colon cancer you will be prioritised.
With or without warning signs, from the age of 50 you can also undergo a simple test for the presence of blood in the stools, carried out in your own home following an invitation sent by the Region.
Do you show any of these symptoms? Then make an appointment with our specialists who will schedule your tests as quickly as possible on the basis of your symptoms.
Gastroenterology consultation: • Jules Bordet Institute 02 541 34 80 • Erasmus 02 555 35 04
Screening consultation at the Jules Bordet Institute (if no symptoms): 02 541 30 00
A giant colon to boost awareness
March is awareness month for colorectal cancers. On this occasion the Brussels University Hospital invites you to come and discover a giant colon. Accompanied by health professionals you can actually go inside the structure to discover this organ, in 3D, and better understand why and how to protect yourself against colorectal cancer, one of the most deadly cancers in Belgium. The dates are 22 March at the Erasmus Hospital between 9 am and 4 pm and 23 March at the Jules Bordet Institute between 9 am and 4 pm.