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Biobanks - CBEU
The Erasmus Hospital and ULB Faculty of Medicine biobanks collect, store and supply biological samples for the purposes of scientific research. There are 10 of these biobanks on the Erasmus campus, grouped together within the CBEU (Conseil Hospitalo Facultaire des Biobanques Erasme-ULB/Hospital-Faculty Council of Erasmus-ULB biobanks).
The role of biobanks
The mission of the Erasmus Hospital and ULB Faculty of Medicine biobanks is to collect, store and supply biological samples for scientific research subject to very strict regulations. The samples are obtained from residue body material following diagnoses or collected in connection with clinical studies.
The material is linked to data on the sampling, pathology and patient while preserving donor anonymity. In Belgium, the donation of human body material is governed by the law of 19 December 2008. In the case of sampling following a diagnosis, the principle of opting out applies. In this case the residual material is used unless the patient opposes it in writing. This can be done at any time, including a posteriori. In the case of clinical studies, the patient’s prior agreement in writing is required. Any project for scientific research that wants to use samples stored in a biobank must submit a file for approval by the Ethics Committee and Scientific Council.
Hospital-Faculty Council for Biobanks (CBEU)
The Conseil hospitalo-facultaire des biobanques Erasmus-ULB/ Hospital-Faculty Council of the Erasmus-ULB biobanks (CBEU) was founded in 2012 to facilitate and harmonise the day-to-day management of the Erasmus Hospital and Faculty of Medicine biobanks in regard to the law of 19 December 2008 concerning the use of human body material (HBM) intended for medical applications or the purposes of scientific research.
Aim and missions
- The CBEU supports biobanks and researchers, in particular on matters concerning their legal, deontological and ethical obligations.
- It acts as an umbrella structure providing a contact point between the hospital and faculty biobanks and the public authorities, Ethics Committee and researchers in particular.
- It encourages scientific research
The CBEU consists of a Bureau with decision-making powers concerning its day-to-day and operational management. The Bureau meets at least three times a year. In addition to the Bureau, the CBEU includes members representing a particular biobank, that is, natural or legal persons representing a biobank that already exists or is in the process of being set up and that is active within the Erasmus Hospital or ULB Faculty of Medicine. There are also associate members that are admitted following a decision of the Bureau as they possess recognised scientific authority in a field of direct or indirect interest to the CBEU. A general assembly, convened by the Bureau, meets annually.
Composition of the Bureau
Chairman: Pr M. Remmelink.
Members: Pr G. Smits, Dr E. Trepo, Pr J. Nortier, Pr F. Mascart, Pr I. Salmon, Dr Y. Sokolow, Pr J-M. Hougardy, Pr J-L. Van Laethem
Functioning of the Bureau
The Bureau has set up working groups so as to be able to communicate information to all the CBEU members on the following points:
- Inventory of existing biobanks
- Type of material stored
- Link with other teaching hospitals in the network
- Putting into place of an adequate IT tool for day-to-day biobank management.
- Contacts with patients
Biobanks on the Erasmus campus
There are 10 biobanks on the Erasmus campus. They are grouped together within the CBEU. They are also members of regional (BWB), national (Plan Cancer (Action 27) - BBMRI.be) and European (BBMRI) networks, thereby contributing to international scientific projects. Consult the organizational chart
Name and particulars of contact persons
CBEU management: Prof. M. Remmelink
Tel.: +32 (02) 555 31 16
E-mail : myriam [dot] remmelink [at] erasme [dot] ulb [dot] ac [dot] be (myriam[dot]remmelink[at]hubruxelles[dot]be)
CBEU secretary: F. Sandras
Tel : +32 (02) 555 89 13
Fax : +32 (02) 555 47 90
E-mail : info [dot] cbeu [at] erasme [dot] ulb [dot] ac [dot] be (info[dot]cbeu[at]hubruxelles[dot]be)
Address: Route de Lennik, 808
1070 Anderlecht
Consult the ethical charter for the collection, storage and use of human body material for the purposes of scientific research, drawn up by the BWB working group.