A belgian portal is transforming the clinical trials landscape

ClinicalTRials.gov links up patients and hospitals in the interests of clinical research
The Brussels University Hospital, consisting of the Erasmus Hospital, the Jules Bordet Institute and the Queen Fabiola Children's University Hospital (HUDERF), is teaming up with Esperity to launch a Belgian portal presenting the clinical trials conducted at the three hospitals. The symbolic launch date is 20 May, on the occasion of international clinical trials day. A platform that aims to better inform patients of the clinical trials open at our hospitals.
More than an information platform, a genuine research portal
Innovative medicines are essential to improving the quality of life of patients, increasing the effectiveness of current treatment and finding remedies for diseases. However, the information on clinical trials is often only available in English and is not always easy to understand. In response to this situation, the portal created by Esperity provides an effective means of providing patients with information on clinical trials that is always up to date. Following two years of development by Esperity, this portal is now accessible on the websites of the three hospitals (Erasmus Hospital, Jules Bordet Institute and the HUDERF) as well as on the Brussels University Hospital website. There you will find details of the clinical trials being conducted at our three institutions. The launch of this platform marks the beginning of a trajectory that aims to help patents find the best clinical trial and help hospitals find the right patients. An initiative that will also make it possible to speed up the recruitment of patients and contribute to the marketing of safe and effective medicines.
Clinical research, the key to progress in medical knowledge
The commitment of patients is essential to clinical research. Their participation in clinical trials makes it possible to answer important research questions that will subsequently also serve other patients. By participating in a clinical trial, patients whose medical needs are not met can have access to innovative treatment and advanced care dispensed by specialised health professionals. By contributing to research they help progress in medical knowledge that makes it possible to improve treatment for others. Furthermore, in this way patients benefit from personalised follow-up and support that assures them of the best possible care.
A day dedicated to promoting clinical research
Within the three hospitals that make up the Brussels University Hospital a series of actions will take place on Monday 22 May with the aim of promoting clinical research. To find out more about the Clinicaltrial.be platform or, more generally, for information on how clinical research is organised, come and meet our experts at the information stands located in the three reception halls on Monday 22 May
- between 9 am and 5 pm at the Jules Bordet Institute and the Erasmus Hospital
- between 10 am and noon and 2 pm and 6 pm at the HUDERF
Further information
Consult the Esperity press release
For more information on the clinical trials portal, go to clinicaltrial.be