Rare diseases: 8 questions to ask

Did you know that 8 questions asked to your patients can already guide you in the case of a rare disease?


If you can answer most of these 8 questions with 'yes' and your intuition confirms it, it would be wise to consider a rare disease.

  1. Does the patient present with acute or chronic symptoms that are inexplicable, inconsistent or non-specific, or symptoms at an unusually young age?
  2. Is there a family history?
  3. Have there been a number of periods of illness with different or identical symptoms?
  4. Is there a history of consultations with different medical specialities without satisfactory results?
  5. Are there any pathological or borderline results that are inconclusive at first sight?
  6. Has there ever been any suspicion of psychosomatic aetiology?
  7. Have there been phases of the illness going back several years?
  8. Are certain exposure scenarios known (in relation to food, leisure activities, housing, animals, travel or work)?
  9. Do not hesitate to refer your patient to a health specialist or geneticist, preferably linked to one of our designated centres of expertise for rare diseases, who are better placed to make a diagnosis. 

For more information, visit https://ulbgenetics.be/fonctions-maladies-rares/

* These 8 questions were written by rare disease experts involved in the EMRaDi project.